What to Expect


Unitarian Services

Our worship services are led by visiting service leaders and members of the congregation every Sunday at 11am in the church and online.

Services offer a place to come together in community away from the busyness of life. Our worship is inclusive and you are not required to make any statement of faith or belief of any kind and we hope over time that you will find this a place to seek explore and share your own spiritual path.

We sit in a circle and our services always begin with lighting our chalice candle.

Our services may include singing, reflective quiet time, music prayers stories and readings. These come from all forms of human experience; art, nature, history literature and science, as well as from traditional scriptures from around the world and differing religions and philosophies.

Children are always welcome at our services and there is room in the church to find a place to play.

There is always time after the service to meet us over a cuppa and a biscuit and ask questions. We are a friendly bunch of kindred souls and equally respect if you just wish to have some space and try us out or get on with your day. If you would like to attend a service we hope that you will find a gentle and welcoming place for you to seek explore and share your spiritual path.

If you would like to find out a bit more about what Unitarianism is all about then please click here and if you would like to have a chat then please contact us here.

We look forward to seeing you
Hastings Unitarian Congregation